Newborn Photos With Siblings in Dallas Fort-Worth, Texas

There are so many different seasons in life we go through. When you become a mother, you learn to go from zero to one, but when you birth your second baby, you are learning to expand your heart and duties. You learn to give more time to your older child and your newborn at the same time. There are a lot more feelings to think about in the room. The idea behind in-home photography focuses on the comfort of being in your own space and capturing what your new every-day life might look like.

Like mothers, toddlers go through a big life change when their superhero parents bring home a new baby. Including toddlers in a special way can help nurture a new bond that is forming between siblings. I encourage my families to be playful and let their toddlers lead in many photos. A sweet kiss and cuddle is just what they might need from mommy and daddy to get them smiling. Oh, and a fun food bribe doesn’t hurt every once in a while for those extra special photos.

Check out more Dallas Fort-Worth Photography here

Hannah Hagaman