Helpful Ideas for Family Photo Sessions in Dallas, Texas

As a long-time photographer here in Dallas, Texas I can safely say that I’ve had my fair share of learning the ins and outs of what makes family sessions so special. This opportunity with your children does not have to be an ache every year, which is why I’ve put together this blog post to hopefully help ease the stress of family photos.

Parents - have a GREAT attitude! Happy hearts for mom and dad = joyful kiddos! Also, remember just keep smiling! Smile while you talk even. Even if it seems like chaos, what I am seeing is so beautiful so remember to keep on smiling.

As a photographer with kids, I absolutely am always on my A game with energy. I also encourage parents to start pulling out all of their party tricks as well. Be prepared to play a lot! Be prepared to also be on the ground, level with your kiddos. This allows them to look directly at you as well as helps me capture creative angles.

Mommas, do not be hard on your toddlers before/during/after a photo session. Remember that a family photoshoot is something that you MIGHT do twice a year, for most of you, it’s once every fall for your Christmas card. When you put a small child in a new setting guess what they want to do? Explore, play, have fun! Standing still and smiling at the camera is not fun for them. Especially little kids who are still learning to obey, don’t be harsh with them during a session.

I will guarantee AT LEAST one great looking at the camera photo (which I always try and get at the beginning when me and the camera are still interesting to look at) and then after that, allow your toddlers the freedom to not “look at the camera” every time. Be okay with lots of fun, smiling, energetic photos that capture your child’s personality at this young age.

I can’t wait to be a part of your next family session. Click HERE to book your next session.

Are you looking for more family photography inspiration? Check out my Family Pinterest board!

FamilyHannah Hagaman